Better Gym is a customer-facing brand of GLL, which was founded in 1993. GLL is a charitable social enterprise that provides leisure, health, and community services to people. After more than 20 years of rapid development, now it is Britain's largest charity organization. At Better Gym, there are 258 sports and Leisure facilities like aqua splash and basketball, 88 libraries like adult activities and English language and writing groups,10 children's centres like activities for Children and parent support and advice, and 5 adventure playgrounds. In addition, Better has over 650,000 members and it can handle 46 million visitors every year. The 4 pillars of Better Gym are better services, better people, better communities, and better business. Better has been working to provide the best community service and space for people. And it has been improving facilities and making a positive contribution to the local community.
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